Monday, June 7, 2010

Rite Aid Scenario

Here is my plan for Rite Aid this week:

Transaction #1
1 - Pampers $9.99
6 - Diaper Wipes $2.49 ($14.94)

Total: $24.93 or $26.92 with tax
I'll use
$5 off $25
$1.50 off diapers P&G 6/6/10
$12 off wipes (6 x $2) P & G 6/6/10

I'll pay $6.50 and get $1 +up

Transaction #2

2 - Smooth operation from got2b ($6.29 each) ~$12.60
1 - veet $5.35
1 - Physician's Formula $5.50
8 Dawn Dish Soaps $.99 each
Total: $31.45

I'll use
$5 0ff $25
One free got2b from bzzagent
1- $2.50 off got2b bzz agent
1- $3 off V V got2b
1- $3 off Veet printable
1 - $3 off Veet V V
1 - $5 Physician's Rite Aid printable
2 - $1 off Dawn Hand renewal from booklet mailed
6 - $.20 off dawn from P& G 6/6/10
1 - $1 +up reward??? not sure if that is how you use it yet...

$31.45- $31 = $.45 for all!!!!!!!!!!!

****Or you could replace the got2b with two pairs of kids sunglasses ($7.99 each and they are B1G1 half off this week) If you get one foster&grant and one style science you can use the V V coupons for $5 and $4 off. Your total will be 2 to 3 dollars more in the end, but still a nice deal!

Now I still have to find a way to get more of the #555 rebate in skin care. But I have until July 24, so I might wait for a better deal or better coupons to come around.

For more rite aid deals go here.

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