Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wegmans Giveaway & News

First of all, I am sure that anyone that reads this knows that I love Wegmans. One of the reasons I love them so much is their easy to use website with information on every product they sell, from sizes and flavors to prices and actual store aisles. Since the weekly adviretisement does not contain the sale items (and it couldn't possibly hold them all without being a book anyways) I use the website to check prices and even length of the sales.

The Wegmans website also contains a feature where you can create your own shopping list. Wegmans has been working hard to improve the "Shopping List" feature on their website. And I am super excited about some of the new features. First, let me mention that you can set up your list based on aisle. This will be a huge time saver. I make my grocery list by section of the store. But now, to even get it down to the aisle?!?!? This will be huge for me when I am shopping with 2 little ones that are huge distractions. I can go down each aisle and be sure to get everything on my list.

You can also update your shopping list with your phone or other mobile device. They are printer friendly. And you still have the option to quickly add the items that you buy all the time like milk, eggs, bread, etc.

To celebrate, Wegmans has a giveaway going on right now. All you have to do is sign in or create an account. Then build or update your shopping list to be entered. Yep, it is that easy. I believe you have until 5/28 to check out all the features.

Has anyone tried it yet? What did you think?

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